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December 10, 2014

Thompson Aviation Security Bill Clears House and Senate

(WASHINGTON) – Today, the House of Representatives, by a vote of 416 to 5, passed the Aviation Security Stakeholder Participation Act (H.R. 1204), authored by Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security. This final vote is to concur with some improvements regarding transparency that the Senate made to the legislation which passed yesterday. The House of Representatives originally passed the bill in December 2013. This legislation authorizes the Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) in law to ensure that stakeholders are consulted and included in TSA's aviation security policy efforts, particularly when there are plans to change how aviation security is conducted. The bill directs the inclusion of representatives from a wide range of stakeholders including air carriers, aircraft manufacturers, airport operators, general aviation stakeholders, labor organizations and passenger groups.

Congressman Thompson released the following statement on passage of this bill:

"This bipartisan legislation ensures that all aviation security stakeholders, including labor organizations, airports, small business operators at airports, and airlines, have a permanent seat at the table when TSA is developing policies and procedures that directly impact their work and businesses. I thank Senator Tester for introducing companion legislation in the Senate and thank my colleagues for supporting this critical legislation. I look forward to working with TSA to implementing this legislation once the President signs it."

Today the House also voted on final passage of H.R. 2719, the Transportation Security Acquisition Reform Act, sponsored by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC). Under this bipartisan bill, TSA will be required to develop and publish a multi-year technology investment plan to guide the agency's security-related technology purchases and identify ways to improve its contracting with small businesses.

SEE ALSO: Video of Congressman Thompson speaking on the House floor today in support of his bill:

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